My name is Yoann, I go by “yo252yo“. I'm a transmedia author, meaning I do all kind of things at the junction of contemporary art, philosophy, academia, technology and pop culture. This presskit contains all the major videogames I've produced, with spoilers for press :)
I'm focused on writing, in the most general sense that meaning and semantics are my clay. From text to transmedia experiences, I try to push the boundaries of the format I use and to make unique things that I want to see in the world but nobody else will make them.
I tend to gravitate around themes like the mind and the self in the broadest sense, be them artificial or biological (from philosophy to psychology but also posthumanism, ux and game design) and their agency in the midst of complex systems.
Ren's Demons I - trailer — YouTube
You Doesnt Exist launch trailer — YouTube
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Selected Articles
Never played game like this before, the only way how to discover what I am trying to say you is trying the game on your own. Everybody´s experience of this game will be very different, I just hope ur gonna like it.
Dorbys, Steam -
It is similar to Undertale in the sense of being its own meta-game and a role-playing game, but Ren’s Demons I is unique in its storytelling, visuals, and gameplay. Ren’s Demons I is an absolute blast to play for RPG fans and has philosophical themes mixed well with clever storytelling that stands out from the modern games.
Azra3l, Steamgamer -
Without spoiling exactly how it DOES work and how you can win and save mankind, when I discovered that one, I fully realised this was a 6/5 for me, personally. Genius, especially because there is additional messaging to how the solution might seem to a proper centrist.
AbNormalHumanBeing, itch
Team & Repeating Collaborator
- Yoann Bourse
- Me